GEC Student Scholarship Golf Tournament
Tuesday, August 19, 2025 / 12 p.m. Shotgun Start / Jekyll Island Golf Club
The Annual Georgia Environmental Conference (GEC) will host the 10th Annual Student Scholarship Golf Tournament on Tuesday, August 19, 2025 at the Jekyll Island Golf Club. The GEC Student Scholarship Fund supports students from colleges and universities in Georgia and the Southeast Region who are pursuing environmental industry-related programs of study. Net proceeds from the tournament will directly fund the GEC Student Scholarship Program.
Tournament Details
Space is limited; individual golfers will be placed on a FIRST-RESPONDED, FIRST-RESERVED basis.
• Entry fee is $150 per individual golfer or $550 per foursome.
• Players who register as individuals will be grouped based on handicap.
• Format is “Four-Man Scramble/Best Ball.”
• Full use of the practice facility with practice balls will be available at no charge.
• Mulligans and prize raffle tickets can be purchased at registration.
• Appropriate golf attire is required at all times.
• Jekyll Island Golf Club has a “soft spike” shoe policy.
• Recognition prizes will be awarded to first and second place teams.
• Contests include Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin.
Boxed lunches will be provided to players at tee off. An awards ceremony will be held immediately following the tournament with contest and winning teams recognition, and raffle drawings at that time.
Player Registration
You can include registration for individual players or foursomes for the golf tournament as part of your GEC Attendee registration. If you have already registered as a GEC Attendee and would like to add golf, please email Jill Geraghty.
Golf Tournament Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Tournament Title Sponsor: $2,500 (1 available)
- One player foursome in tourney
- Company logo on tournament signage
- Signage and specific recognition at awards ceremony
- Opportunity to give brief remarks during tee off and/or awards ceremony
- Opportunity to provide promotional items for goodie bags, giveaways, and raffle items
- OPTION: Choose either a second player foursome for the tourney OR one complimentary attendee registration for the conference.
Awards Ceremony Sponsor: $1,000 (1 available)
- Company logo on tournament signage
- Signage and specific recognition at awards ceremony
- Opportunity to give brief remarks during awards ceremony
- Opportunity to provide promotional items for goodie bags, giveaways, and raffle items
Beverages/Beverage Cart Sponsor: $500 (1 available)
- Company logo on tournament signage
- Logo recognition signage as Beverages sponsor
- Opportunity to provide promotional items for goodie bags, giveaways, and raffle items
Contest Sponsors: $350 (2 available; Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive)
- Company logo on tournament signage
- Signage placed at contest location
- Opportunity to provide promotional items for goodie bags, giveaways, and raffle items
- Opportunity to provide volunteers to be present at contest hole to greet golfers
Individual Hole Sponsors: $250 (16 available)
- Company listing on tournament signage
- Signage placed at your sponsored hole(s)
- Opportunity to provide promotional items for goodie bags, giveaways, and raffle items
- Opportunity to be present at your hole(s) to greet golfers
Terms and Conditions
- All prices are shown in U.S. dollars.
- Sponsorship monies paid to GEC may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. They are not deductible as contribution or gifts for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
- Sponsorship must be paid in full before GEC 2024.
Refund Policy: Cancellation notifications prior to July 25, 2025 will be issued a 90% refund. Cancellations between July 26 and August 6, 2025 will be issued a 50% refund. No refunds will be given after August 6, 2025. Substitutions are welcome with written notification.
More Information
If you would like to lend your support as a golf tournament sponsor, please register through the GEC Sponsor Registration-coming soon. For questions about sponsorships and/or the tournament, please email Jill Geraghty.