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Georgia Commission of Continuing Lawyer Competency – State Bar of Georgia
To receive CLE hours, an attendee must register for CLE credits as part of his/her conference registration and submit documentation of attendance at the close of the conference. Authorization received by State Bar of Georgia to provide up to 12 CLE hours. PLEASE NOTE: Attendees who select to receive CLE credits during the registration process will be charged an additional CLE filing and processing fee of $135. This is a pass-through fee to offset processing charges incurred from the State Bar of Georgia.
Georgia State Board of Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors
The Annual Georgia Environmental Conference is designed to meet the requirements set forth by the Georgia State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and will present topics relevant for continuing education. Attendees must obtain the official Conference Certificate of Attendance for the Georgia State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and should keep this Certificate as record in case of audit at renewal time. Certificates will be emailed to attendees after the conference or you may request a hard copy onsite at the Conference Registration Booth. Please note that the Board does not make prior approval of the courses or seminars or the sponsor’s of the courses or seminars.
Georgia State Board of Architects
The Annual Georgia Environmental Conference is designed to meet the requirements set forth by the Georgia State Board of Architects under Rule 50-6-.05(1)(2)(4). Attendees must obtain the official Conference Certificate of Attendance for the Georgia State Board of Architects and should keep this Certificate as record in case of audit at renewal time. Certificates will be emailed to attendees after the conference or you may request a hard copy onsite at the Conference Registration Booth. Please note that the Board does not make prior approval of the courses or seminars or the sponsor’s of the courses or seminars.
Georgia State Board of Landscape Architects
The Annual Georgia Environmental Conference is designed to meet the requirements set forth by the Georgia State Board of Landscape Architects under Rule 310-9-.04(1). Attendees must obtain the official Conference Certificate of Attendance for the Georgia State Board of Landscape Architects and should keep this Certificate as record in case of audit at renewal time. Certificates will be emailed to attendees after the conference or you may request a hard copy onsite at the Conference Registration Booth. Please note that the Georgia Board of Landscape Architects does not make prior approval of the courses or seminars or the sponsor’s of the courses or seminars.
Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators & Laboratory Analysts
The Annual Georgia Environmental Conference has been approved as a continuing education training provider by the Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators & Laboratory Analysts. Water Operators and Wastewater Operators who attend the conference can earn six hours of CE. Attendees must obtain the official Conference Certificate of Attendance for the Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators & Laboratory Analysts and should keep this Certificate as record in case of audit at renewal time. Certificates will be emailed to attendees after the conference or you may request a hard copy onsite at the Conference Registration Booth.
Continuing Forestry Education
Attendees interested in obtaining CFE Credits, should follow the guidelines set by the Society of American Foresters for after-event submission: Please send a CFE Submission Form, a complete Agenda (Conference Program), and evidence of attendance (GEC Certificate of Attendance) to the SAF National Office. If additional information is needed for evaluation, the national office will contact the Attendee requesting CFE.
North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologists
The Annual Georgia Environmental Conference has been approved as a continuing education training provider by the North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologists. Licensed geologists who attend the conference can earn up to 12 Professional Development Hours (PDHs). Attendees must obtain the official Conference Certificate of Attendance for the North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologists and should keep this Certificate as record in case of audit at renewal time. Certificates will be emailed to attendees after the conference or you may request a hard copy onsite at the Conference Registration Booth.